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Letter to 2020


Dear 2020

Let's agree to part ways

You weren’t so good to me​

No hard feelings


I know it wasn’t your fault​

Not every year can be a diamond​


And I know rough seas make you appreciate still seas​

But let’s put it behind us


Sometimes time together is best forgotten 

Sometimes there’s nothing to be learnt remembering

And amnesia helps you move forward


So if I see you again

Don’t be upset if I walk the other way and pretend not to see you


I guess we had a couple of sweet moments

Moments which made me pause

Moments of tenderness that I would not otherwise have had


But I must admit, I’m glad you’re gone

Don’t take it personally

But you were tiring

Goodbye 2020, see you, hopefully never.


Written by Moozy





Lines stretching out 

Wheels turn

The rumble of bitumen 

I check the rearview mirror


As I reach back to hold your hand

to feel its little presence in mine

I feel an echo reverberate through me

An aching recollection of an earlier time 


A large hand reaching back for mine

Warmth, comfort, safety

What were you thinking?

Who were you then?


Now it's my turn to make mistakes 

History repeats itself, again

The changing of the guard 


I miss you dad 

Though you’re still here, you’re not quite here anymore

One foot in this world, the other in the next


Written by Moozy

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